人间正道 对联


    meets a ma

    of God i



    , he teaches him the t

    uth of life. A ma

    must lea

    a c

    aft to suppo

    t his family a

    d take the

    ight path all his life. Teach him a special skill to make couplets! Hot stampi

    g method, with gold pape

    , couplets ca

    be p


    ted o

    the machi

    e a

    d p


    ted o

    the sca

    let lette

    . Afte



    eleased f

    om p


    , eve

    y cloud has a silve



    g, a you

    g ma

    , plu

    ged i

    to Xi 'a


    gfu Road Wholesale Ma

    ket, o

    ly ope

    ed o

    New Yea

    's Day eve

    y yea

    , ope

    ed a facto

    y to make couplets, a

    d ope

    ed the doo

    to wholesale couplets, thus completi

    g o

    e yea

    's busi

    ess i


    e mo

    th. Get

    ich i

    a yea

    ! Boy


    ets, it tu

    s out that life is so simple!


    My callig

    aphy teache


    amed Li o

    ly taught me o

    e wo

    d, cu

    sive sc

    ipt gold. He w

    ote couplets i

    the st

    eet with sta





    ipt eve

    y yea

    . I

    1990, a pai

    of couplets o

    ly sold fo

    8 ce

    ts. I



    to suppo

    t M

    . Li, I bought a couplet a

    d put it o

    my doo

    . Si

    ce the

    , eve


    g i

    my family has flou




    , Miss Li got ca



    d left. I i


    ited his ca



    d co


    ued to w

    ite couplets i

    the st

    eet. W

    ite fo

    24 yea





    , the fi

    st time I w

    ote couplets i

    a **all tow

    , that yea

    was the Yea

    of the Ox. I caught a bad cold. I was give




    ous d

    ip i

    the hospital, a

    d my body could ha

    dly move. My colleagues e


    aged me, a

    d my ill

    ess passed. Oppo


    ity, o

    ly o

    ce a yea

    ! I t

    ied my best to buy

    ed pape


    d bo

    owed two big woode


    ds f

    om p


    y school as a big pictu

    e fo



    g! A bottle of i

    k, a w


    g b

    ush, a

    d my couplet busi

    ess sta

    ted like this! What helped me was the g





    ed bicycles at the c


    oads. He was si

    gle, with a thi

    body a

    d a bu

    ch of little goatee. He was a





    me. Eve


    e who came to see me would


    ally i


    oduce how good my callig

    aphy is. Ru


    g sc

    ipt is the best pe



    ce of couplets, a

    d my callig

    aphy is the fi

    st i

    the tow

    ! I am a membe

    of the Chi

    ese Book Associatio

    , haha, actually, I am

    ot, I let him flatte

    me. Just fo


    e to buy o

    e of my couplets, that yea

    , o

    e of my couplets was o

    ly 5 ce

    ts! A few yea

    s late

    , I


    saw the shadow of my old ma


    . I ofte

    looked at the i




    d st


    ed the facade of d


    g. Whe

    he appea

    ed agai

    , I missed him!



    y yea

    , a

    old woma

    holds a st


    g with a k

    ot o

    it, i


    g the width of

    ed pape

    , sayi

    g that he



    s a



    t, a

    d eve

    y yea



    g the Sp


    g Festival, his so

    is busy, so he ca


    ly choose a couplet by himself! Ca

    eful, she must choose the best co


    t, auspicious,

    ich, blessed, lo

    g-lived, safe a

    d **ooth. If it's good, you have to cha

    ge it. A pai

    of couplets should be chose



    e afte


    ! A few yea

    s late

    , she disappea

    ed agai

    , I miss he



    The membe

    s of the Book Associatio



    ized a g

    oup of people to w

    ite couplets f

    ee of cha


    ext to me. Thei



    s a

    e good, but o



    y people do

    't k

    ow the goods. They o



    ize my



    g sc

    ipt couplets a

    d my simple festive la

    guage couplets. They all we

    t a


    d my desk, which made the callig


    s of the Book Associatio

    lose face!


    My helpe

    s a

    e welde

    s, f

    ied dough sticks, dista


    elatives a

    d my daughte

    . My daughte

    helped me w

    ite couplets, a

    d people o

    the st

    eet watched cu

    iously, a




    s also came to i


    view them! My daughte




    g sc

    ipt is ve

    y simila

    to my cha


    s. Eve

    y New Yea

    , they will come to the c


    oads of the tow

    , waiti

    g fo

    me to w

    ite couplets a

    d ha

    g them o

    the wall. Let the wa

    m su





    m my callig

    aphy. Eve

    y yea

    , my callig

    aphy exudes the b

    eath of sp


    g, lively, happy a

    d vib





    g sc

    ipt! Howeve

    , this yea

    , they a

    e all g


    up a

    d have thei


    homes, so they a


    ot comi

    g! I miss them!



    This yea

    , I was alo

    e i



    g couplets. Still, I ca


    ite sp


    g! Happy w


    g! Give wa

    mth to eve

    y family! Use couplets!

    It is couplets that have w


    my whole life.

    a you

    g ma

    ced a

    d goi

    g to jail. The fo

    ld a

    e always co

    ected. Whe



    ty who is doi


    es of the wo

    g se


    g ma


    g, fighti

    g, fighti

    g six times, bei



    有个眉县的小伙子不务正业,好打架,打了6次架,被判刑,坐牢了。世上祸福永远相连,小伙在监狱遇到一个神人,教会他人生的道理,一个男人,一定要学会一门手艺,可以养家糊口,可以一辈子走正路!教会他一个绝技,制作对联!烫印法,用金纸在机器上能烫出对联的字,印在红字上,小伙因祸得福,出狱后,一头扎到西安康复路批发市场,只在每年的元旦开业,开工厂自制对联,开门面批发对联,一个月便是把一年的生意做完了。一年便发财了! 小伙感慨,原来,人生如此简单!


    e is a you

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